Proposals - Business plans

Film Proposals are mandatory to get the job done in film world. Yes, there are accessions to every rule, but unless your name is Tom Cruise or Denzel Washington, it might be hard to approach financiers without a clear plan in place.  An important step in getting your vision to the screen is to create the documentation that maps out your journey artistically and financially. It should have a brief overview of every key point listed in your executive summary, what your project is about, what the market looks like on comparatives, income projections, projects of like nature, who the players in your project are from cast to professional keys that can assure your project will come to fruition.  The investor should discover in this document, your history and your experience in the industry.  I have discovered that there are many times that the only section that is important to most investors is the executive summary, however, if they need further explanation on any element, you had better have a more detailed explanation in the body of the proposal.  It is better to have it there, then not.

Make sure that when you go shopping for funding you have all the documents needed to “seal the deal” when they ask for paperwork. Yes, besides the script, if you plan on producing the project yourself, you will need a business plan.  Bobby Mardis can help!